夏说英语新闻晨读 第423期:阿里向饿了么狂砸30亿美金(在线收听


Alibaba shares rose on Thursday as it reported a 61 per cent surge in revenues in the quarter to the end of June, but profits failed to keep pace, squeezing margins. The Chinese ecommerce group also announced that together with SoftBank, the Japanese tech investment group that is a major shareholder and regular co-investee, it would pump $3bn into its food delivery operations, which are locked in battle with Tencent-backed Meituan Dianping. The move will see Alibaba combine its food delivery app Ele.me and its local services group Koubei into a new holding company.

surge: n. 激增
soar: n./v. 急剧增加;高涨
collapse: n./v. 崩盘;暴跌
slump: n./v. 暴跌;下降
squeeze: vt. 挤
margin: n. 利润
together with: 和……一起;连同
SoftBank: n. 日本软银公司
shareholder: n. 股东
pump: vt. 注入
be locked in: 被……困住
combine: vt. 使联合;合并
holding company: 控股公司
