夏说英语新闻晨读 第424期:巴西国家博物馆大火(在线收听


A fire has gutted the National Museum of Brazil in Rio de Janeiro, the oldest scientific institution in the country. Most of the 20 million items it contained, including the oldest human remains ever found in the Americas, are believed to have been destroyed. The cause of the blaze is not known. No injuries have been reported.

gut: vt. (通常指火灾) 彻底损毁 (房屋) 的内部;清除……的内脏 n. 肠子,内脏;勇气
hate one's guts: 对某人恨之入骨
have the guts to do sth.: 有勇气做某事
scientific institution: 科研机构
government institution: 政府机构
institute: n. 学院;研究所
item: n. 项目;物件
contain: vt. 包含
remains: n. 残骸,遗骸;剩余物,残留物
blaze: n. 火焰;大火
trailblazer: n. 开拓者;先驱
injury: n. 受伤
