夏说英语新闻晨读 第425期:英法大战再启 竟是因为扇贝?!(在线收听


French and British fishermen have clashed in a fight over scallops. The crew of a number of French boats have been accused of throwing stones and smoke bombs in a dispute about the shellfish of the French coast. French law says its fishermen can only harvest scallops here between October and May. The Brits face no such restrictions and French fishermen think that's not fair.

fishermen: n. 渔夫
clash: vi. 撞上;冲突
scallop: n. 扇贝
crew: n. 船员;成员
accuse: vt. 控告
smoke bomb: 烟雾弹
dispute: n. 争端;纠纷
shellfish: n. 贝类等有壳的水生物
harvest: vt. 捕捞;收割
restriction: n. 限制
