夏说英语新闻晨读 第426期:无人机侵扰野生动物(在线收听


Police and wildlife experts are becoming "increasingly concerned" at the number of cases of protected wildlife being disturbed by drones. They say some drones are being flown dangerously close to breeding birds and animals at sites in Scotland. Seals have reportedly been chased into the sea at protected haul-out sites, which risks their pups being crushed.

wildlife: n. 野生动植物;野生生物
be concerned at: 关切……;为……忧虑
disturb: vt. 打扰
drone: n. 无人机
breed: vt. 哺育 n. (动植物的) 品种,种;(人的) 类型,种类
chase: vt. 追逐
haul-out: n. 特定划出的区域
risk: vt. 使……遭受危险
pup: n. 幼崽
crush: vt. 压碎
