夏说英语新闻晨读 第429期:马斯克直播惹祸(在线收听


Tech entrepreneur Elon Musk has smoked marijuana live on the web during a podcast with comedian Joe Rogan. Mr Rogan offered his guest the drug, which is legal in California, as the pair discussed tech innovation and the public's perception of Mr Musk. Tesla shares fell more than nine per cent following Mr Musk's appearance on the show.

entrepreneur: n. 创业者
smoke: vt. 抽烟 n. 烟
a smoking gun: 确凿的证据
chain smoker: 烟枪;烟瘾大的人
marijuana: 大麻
podcast: n. 播客节目
comedian: n. 喜剧演员
perception: n. 看法
