夏说英语新闻晨读 第430期:空气污染如何影响胎儿(在线收听


Scientists have found the first evidence that particles of air pollution travel through pregnant women's lungs and lodge in their placentas. Toxic air is already strongly linked to harm in foetuses but how the damage is done is unknown. "It is a worrying problem – there is a massive association between air pollution a mother breathes in and the effect it has on the foetus," said Dr Lisa Miyashita.

evidence: n. 迹象;证据
particle: n. 颗粒;粒子
particulate matter(s): 微粒物质;悬浮颗粒
inhalable particle(s): 可吸入颗粒物
air pollution: 空气污染
travel through: 穿过
lodge: v. 住;嵌入;寄宿
placenta: n. 胎盘
toxic: adj. 有毒的
be linked to: 与……有关联
foetus(fetus): n. 胎儿
massive: adj. 大量的;巨大的
