夏说英语新闻晨读 第431期:星巴克意大利开店(在线收听


It has taken more than two years to build, but on Friday, Starbucks will open its first Italian outlet. The company's Milan "roastery" goes far beyond the usual latte production line. The marble-floored store will offer a "theatre of coffee roasting, brewing and mixology", as well as cocktails, pizza, bread and ice cream.

outlet: n. 店面;零售店;名品打折店
roastery: n. 烘焙房
roast: vt. 烘焙
go far beyond: 远远超过
latte: n. 拿铁
marble: n. 大理石
arch: n. 拱形;拱门
theatre: n. 剧院;手术室;战场
brew: vt. 煮 (咖啡);冲泡 (茶)
brewery: n. 啤酒厂;啤酒公司
mixology: n. 调制方法
cocktail: n. 鸡尾酒
pizza: n. 比萨饼
