夏说英语新闻晨读 第433期:自行车骑过动车(在线收听


Denise Mueller-Korenek brings a whole new meaning to pedal to the metal. The US woman, 45, smashed a world record this week by averaging an eye-watering speed of 183.9 miles per hour on a bicycle. For most people, the idea of traveling along the ground at more than 180mph in anything other than a plane preparing for take-off is nausea-inducing. That speed, by the way, is twice as fast as a cheetah.

bring meaning to: 给……带来意义 
pedal to the metal: 全速前进;开足马力向前冲
pedal: n. 脚踏板 v. 蹬;踏
smash: vt. 打碎;破碎
average: vt. 达到平均速度
eye-watering: 令人咋舌的
nausea-inducing: 催吐的;引人眩晕的
nausea: n. 恶心
inducing: adj. 产生诱导作用的
induce: vt. 诱导;引起
by the way: 顺便一提
cheetah: n. 猎豹
