夏说英语新闻晨读 第436期:儿歌300首(在线收听


One of the most popular YouTube channels in the world, which features animated nursery rhymes, has been sold. Little Baby Bum was founded by a London-based couple in 2011 and has racked up 17.5 billion views in its time. It was bought by a firm called Moonbug for an undisclosed sum, as first reported by Bloomberg.

feature: vt. 以……为特色的 n. 特点
animated: adj. 动画的
nursery rhyme: 儿歌;童谣
nursery: n. 托儿所
rack up: 积累
rack: n. 架子;搁物架
undisclosed: adj. 未披露的
sum: n. 金额
