夏说英语新闻晨读 第438期:马其顿更名公投(在线收听


Macedonians are voting in a referendum on Sunday, which may result in the former Yugoslav republic changing its name to North Macedonia. The new name would end a decades-long dispute with neighbouring Greece and clear a path towards joining the EU and NATO. But passions are high on both sides of the border and Macedonia's president is calling for a boycott of the vote.

Macedonians: n. 马其顿人
Macedonia: n. 马其顿
referendum: n. 全民公投
dispute: n. 争端;争吵
neighbouring: adj. 邻居的;邻近的
neighbouring desk: 邻桌
neighbouring country: 邻国
EU(the European Union): 欧盟
NATO(North Atlantic Treaty Organization): 北大西洋公约组织
boycott: n. 联合抵制;拒绝参加
