夏说英语新闻晨读 第443期:小孩玩手机不是事儿(在线收听


Three out of four children under-five now has access to a tablet, smartphone or computer, according to a study. Voice-recognition gadgets such as Apple's Siri and Amazon's Alexa were also said to be increasingly popular with the age group, with nursery rhymes and asking questions - such as: "How big is the moon?" - among common activities. But the children remain interested in offline activities too. And there was an increase in the number of parents reporting their children were engaged in arts and crafts and going to the library outside of school.

have access to: 接触……;使用……
tablet: n. 平板电脑
voice-recognition: 语音识别
recognise: vt. 认出;识别
gadget: n. 设备;小器具
be increasingly popular: 越来越受欢迎
age group: 年龄段
nursery rhyme: 童谣
nursery: n. 托儿所
insipid: adj. 无聊的;乏味的
offline: adj. 线下的
be engaged in: 参与其中
crafts: n. (复数) 手工
