夏说英语新闻晨读 第445期:网络流量被谁吃了(在线收听


Video streaming service Netflix is the world's most data-hungry application, consuming 15% of global net traffic, according to research from bandwidth management company Sandvine. Video in general accounts for more than half of net traffic, it suggests. Other media streaming such as embedded video on websites accounts for 13.1%, YouTube, 11.4% and web browsing, 7.8%. The report also found that gaming and file-sharing are becoming a significant force in traffic volume.

video streaming: 视频流媒体
data-hungry: adj. 最吃流量的
consume: vt. 消耗;消费
consuming: adj. 耗费……的
traffic: n. 流量
bandwidth: n. 带宽
account for: 占……
同义表达 make up
in general: 总体来说;一般来说
embedded: adj. 嵌入的
browse: vi. 浏览
