夏说英语新闻晨读 第453期:加拿政策(在线收听


For many Canadians, the idea of legal cannabis once seemed a pipe dream. But from 17 October, Canada will become the first G7 country to give recreational cannabis the green light. Supporters say legalisation will bring new medical advances and help stamp out drug-related crime. But some critics argue that long-term use can harm people's health. Others worry about how it will be policed.

cannabis: n. 大麻
marijuana: 大麻
weed n. 大麻
hallucination: n. 幻觉
once (upon a time): 从前;很久以前
pipe dream: 白日梦
recreational: adj. 休闲的;娱乐的
give … the green light: 批准;给……开绿灯
legalisation: n. 合法化
stamp out: 根除;灭火
related: adj. 和……相关的
crime: n. 犯罪 (活动)
police: vt. 监管;控制 n. 警察
