美国小学英语教材5:第62课 长牙象彭博·库巴(8)(在线收听

 There was very little about the natives’ way of doing things that Kubwa did not know. 库巴几乎了解所有土著人的想法。

He had taken a liking to their food, especially to their bananas, and he used to make a business of raiding the villages. 他已经喜欢上了他们的食物,尤其是香蕉,他经常以袭击村庄为业。
He knew the difference between a fire on the ground that stayed there, and one in the hand that could be thrown; 他知道地上的火和在手里可以扔出去的火的区别;
he knew all about spears and about sharp sticks stuck in the ground; 他知道长矛和插在地上的尖棍的区别;
and whenever the natives played any of those tricks on him, he used to tear down the huts of the villages and trample the fields under foot, just for revenge. 每当当地人对他耍这些花招时,他总是拆毁村庄的茅屋,践踏田野,只为报复。
After a while he got to trampling just for the fun of it. 过了一会儿,他开始为了好玩而践踏田野。
When he was in the banana groves at night, he used, to chuckle over the way the youngsters were smashing over the young trees not bearing fruit. 当他晚上在香蕉林里的时候,他常常笑着看着那些年轻象在没有结果的小树上砸来砸去。
It was wasteful, but it was good fun, and the natives could always plant others. 这很浪费,但很有趣,当地人总是可以种植其他植物。
Altogether he lived a lordly life, helping himself to what he liked and taking care to keep what he got; 总之,他过着贵族的生活,爱吃什么就吃什么,得到什么就拿什么;
his herd was the biggest in the country, and his name was the most feared by elephants and natives. 他的大象群是这个国家最大的,他的名字是大象和当地人最害怕的。