夏说英语新闻晨读 第461期:超级玛丽的原型(在线收听


Mario Segale, the man after whom video game hero Super Mario was named, has died aged 84. Mr Segale was a successful Italian-American property developer from the US state of Washington. In the 1980s, he leased a warehouse to Nintendo of America who decided to name the star of their new video game after him. Mr Segale joked to the Seattle Times in 1993 that he was "still waiting for my royalty cheques".

name after: 以……命名
property developer: 房开商
individual property: 个人财产
personal property: 个人财产
real estate property: 房产
lease: vt. 出租 n. 租约
rentvt. 出租
letvt. 出租
sublet: n. 转租得房屋 vt. 转租
warehouse: n. 仓库
royalty: n. 版税
copyright: n. 版权
cheque: n. 支票 (美式拼写 check)
