夏说英语新闻晨读 第463期:苹果万亿市值破功(在线收听


Apple briefly lost its $1tn valuation on Thursday when its shares fell 7% in after-hours trading despite posting record results. The tech giant's strategy of charging more for its phones has paid off, with revenues jumping in the last three months despite relatively flat sales. But a warning of possible weaker sales in coming months sparked a share price slide after official trading ended.

briefly: adv. 短暂地
brief: adj. 短暂的 vt. 简报 (brief sb: 给谁做简短的汇报)
valuation: n. 估值
value: n. 价值 vt. 评价
after-hours trading:市后交易 (after official trading)
flat: adj. 平淡的,表现一般的
spark: vt. 导致了
lead: vi. 导致 vt. 致使
cause: vt. 引起
slide: n. 下滑
