夏说英语新闻晨读 第464期:弯道超车 中国领跑电动汽车(在线收听


Europe gave the world some of its top automakers, but it's losing out to China in the race to define the industry's future. China is the driving force in the business of electric vehicle batteries, which European leaders see as vital to the future of the auto industry that employs millions of people across the continent. About two-thirds of the world's manufacturing capacity for lithium-ion batteries, those most commonly used in electric vehicles, is in China, according to consulting firm Wood Mackenzie. It may be too late to catch up.

lose out to sb / sth: 被……取代
driving: n.驾驶;行车
driving schoo: 驾校
driving test: 驾照考试
adj. 强有力的;推动的
driving force: 驱动力;推动力
see as: 考虑,看待
consider as / regard as
vital: 极其重要的,必不可少的 
play a vital role / part (in sth): 担任重要角色
vital information证据
employ: vt. 雇佣
self-employed: 个体经营的;单干的;自由职业的;自雇的
Wood Mackenzie 伍德麦肯兹
McKinsey&Company 麦肯锡公司
Lithium-ion battery: 锂离子电池
Lithium: 锂(符号Li)
ion: 离子
commonly: 经常地;广泛地;大量地
catch up:追上、赶上;达到某种水平、标准;了解近况;叙旧
