夏说英语新闻晨读 第465期:帝国理工全息投影课堂(在线收听


University classes are set to be given a futuristic spin by letting lecturers appear as hologram-like apparitions beamed in from afar. Imperial College London will show off the technology at a special event later on Thursday before deploying it more widely. It believes it will be the first academic body to do so regularly. A similar effect has been used to animate images of Michael Jackson, Elvis Presley and other celebrities.

be set to: 一定会……,被安排好…… (will)
futuristic: adj. 极其新潮的
spin: n. 短途旅行
hologram: n. 全息照片
apparition: n. 幻影
beamvi. 一束光照过来
deployvi. 部署
