夏说英语新闻晨读 第466期:千禧一代国会议员付不起房租(在线收听


The youngest woman ever elected to Congress has a problem - she can't afford her rent. After telling the New York Times she's waiting for her first pay cheque before renting an apartment in Washington DC, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is again being called the "millennial Congresswoman". On Friday Fox News presenter Ed Henry suggested the 29-year-old wasn't telling the full truth because she wore "multi-thousand dollar outfits" in a magazine.

elect: vt. 选举
congress: n. 国会
parliament: n. 议会 (英国)
National People's Congress: 全国人民代表大会
afford: vt. 支付
tell the full truth: 讲真话
multi-thousand: 几千的
multi-national company:跨国公司
multi-media: 多媒体
outfit: 外衣
