夏说英语新闻晨读 第468期:马赛老屋倒塌(在线收听


The deadly collapse of two houses in Marseille has traumatised France's second city in a way that eerily echoes London's Grenfell Tower disaster. The full horror emerged only gradually, as firefighters painstakingly searched the rubble, while government ministers visited the scene and national TV and radio channels covered the disaster exhaustively. Day after day, bodies were recovered and by Friday an eighth victim was found.

traumatise: vt. 使……精神受伤
trauma: n. 创伤
eerily: adv. 恐怖怪异地
eery: adj. 怪诞的
echo: vt. 跟……相照应
painstakingly: adv. 艰苦地
painstaking: adj. 艰苦的
rubble: n. 断壁残垣
exhaustively: adv. 详尽地
