夏说英语新闻晨读 第469期:中国房地产债台高筑(在线收听


A wall of onshore debt worth tens of billions of dollars issued by Chinese property developers is due to mature next year, sparking concerns over defaults at a time of economic slowdown and tightening liquidity. China's property market is a bedrock for growth and economists fear that signs of distress in developer debt would send ripples through the financial system just as other problems are mounting.

onshore debt:在岸债务
tens of billions of:数百亿
property developer:房地产开发商
real estate developer:房地产开发商
be due to: 预计
mature: vi. 到期
spark: vt. 引发
default: n. 违约
economic slowdown: 经济放缓
tightening liquidity: 流通性收紧
bedrock: n. 基石
sign of: …的迹象
distress: n. 窘迫;贫困
ripple: n. 涟漪
mounting: adj. 不断增加的
