夏说英语新闻晨读 第470期:蘑菇发电(在线收听


US researchers have successfully tested the rather whacky idea of producing electricity from a mushroom covered in bacteria. The scientists used 3D printing to attach clusters of energy-producing bugs to the cap of a button mushroom. The fungus provided the ideal environment to allow the cyanobacteria to generate a small amount of power.

test: vt. 试验 ( experiment )
whacky: adj. 奇怪的 ( wacky )
mushroom: n. 蘑菇
3D printing: 3D打印技术
attach: vt. 贴;附上
attach A to B: 把A贴在B上
attachment: n. 附件
cluster: n. 群
bug: n. 细菌
fungus: n. 真菌
cyanobacteria: n. 蓝藻细菌
