夏说英语新闻晨读 第474期:斯坦李的漫画为何影响力那么大(在线收听


It's difficult to envision what pop culture would be like without Stan Lee's prolific impact. While celebrities engaging in politics through social media is seen as a new trend, Lee used his platform to fight prejudice. X-Men has often been praised for its portrayal of mutant oppression and its reflection of the fight for civil rights. Other fans praised the comic and film for its portrayal of fictional African nation Wakanda as the most technologically advanced country in the world.

envision: 想象
prolific: 多产的
engage in: 介入……;忙于……事业;雇佣;交战
engaged: 订婚的
portrayal: 肖像
portray: 描绘;扮演
technologically advanced: 科技先进的
