夏说英语新闻晨读 第478期:如何与狗交朋友(在线收听


Using "dog-speak" is important in building a bond between a dog and their owner, scientists from the University of York have found. During a series of tests, dogs were spoken to in a high-pitched voice and again in a normal adult voice. Researchers then monitored which speaker the dogs responded to and wanted to interact with. PhD student Alex Benjamin said it seemed dogs were more likely to favour the speaker who used a high pitch.

bond: n. 联系; 关系; 纽带
build a bond: 建立联系
blood bond: 血缘关系
high-pitched: adj. 高音的
low-pitched: adj. 低音的
pitch: n. 音高
monitor: vt. 监控
favour: vt. 喜欢
