夏说英语新闻晨读 第481期:Brexit 致使超级富豪逃离英国(在线收听


Business Insider reports that the mega-wealthy are exiting the UK and moving to Australia and the US. According to an analysis by New World Wealth, last year alone, 4,000 high net worth individuals left the United Kingdom, reversing a 30-year trend of the UK as a destination for the uber rich. The reasons for the exodus include high inheritance taxes and Brexit.

the mega-wealthy: 超级富豪
high net worth individuals: 高净值人群
uber rich: 超级富豪
uber-: (前缀)超级的
inheritance tax: 遗产税
exodus: n. 大批离去
Exodus: 《出埃及记》(《圣经》第二卷)
Brexit: 脱欧
