夏说英语新闻晨读 第483期:过度加工食品易致癌(在线收听


Researchers discovered that people who eat more ultra-processed foods have a higher risk of cancer. Such foods are the ones with unrecognizable and unpronounceable words on the list of ingredients – anything from the candy that turns your tongue blue to healthier-sounding canned soups packed with artificial flavors, additives or emulsifiers. Research has long showed that people who live on ultra-processed food tend to be more obese and overweight. They’re also more likely to have heart and circulation problems or diabetes, studies have found.

ultra-processed food: 超加工食物
ingredient: 配料
a list of ingredients: 配料表
artificial flavor: 人造香味
additives: n. (countable usually plural) 添加剂
emulsifier: n. 乳化剂
circulation: n. 循环
