英语听力精选进阶版 8454(在线收听

The Egyptian government has formally announced plans to build a new capital east of the present one Cairo. This will involve moving the country's parliament, its ministries and foreign embassies. A city?the size?of?Singapore?is in vision?with?a population of 7 million people.?Dubai?based businessman Mohammed Alaba is one of the main?developers?involved?in the project.?

埃及政府已经正式宣布在开罗东部建立新首都。随着新首都的建立国家议会,各部委,外国驻埃及大使馆也随之搬迁。这个新加坡大小的城市将会容纳700万人口。迪拜商人Mohammed Alaba是这项工程的主要投资人之一。

I think we have to deploy the most advanced?design techniques, technology and?sustainability,?human needs which is more important than anything else. And human needs of people of Cairo,people of Egypt to make sure that you create an?environment?that's?accommodating?all type of?lives?and all level of incomes but still in a very affordable, sizable, sustainable way for the many many years to come.?


A former president of the Maldives Mohamed Nasheed has been jailed for 13 years after being found guilty of ordering the arrest of a judge while in office. Mr. Nasheed, the?first?democratically elected president of the?Islands?was cleared over the charges last month, but was subsequently rearrested in charge down to anti terrorism laws. Richard reports.?

马尔代夫前总统Mohamed Nasheed因涉嫌在掌权期间下令逮捕一名法官被判入狱13年。Mohamed Nasheed曾是马尔代夫第一位民主选举产生的总统,在上个月清洗掉罪名,但是仍因涉嫌反恐怖主义法律罪名被逮捕。下面是本台记者发回的报道。

Mr Nasheed's lawyers quit during his latest trial which they said it was biased and intent to end his political?career. It could be the common notion of Mr Nasheed's struggle against the current?president?Abdulla Yameen and his elder brother who also?rule?the Indian Ocean nation. Mr Nasheed has always maintained his?innocence. He says he was forced from office at gun point when he tried to tackle corruption. 

Mohamed Nasheed的律师在其最后一次审问时辞职,有人认为这是一种有意结束其政治生涯的举动。这是认为Mohamed Nasheed与现任总统亚明和其统治印度洋国家的哥哥之间的斗争。Mohamed Nasheed一直坚称自己无罪。他说他是掌权期间试图解决反腐败问题时受到办公室势力架枪要挟。

The incumbent and his brother say Mr Nasheed is guilty of terrorism. Both the United States and India have voiced concerns over the charge against Mr. Nasheed.?

现任总统和其哥哥表示Mohamed Nasheed确实犯有恐怖主义罪名。美国方面和印度方面都表示对Mohamed Nasheed的罪名表示担忧。

Global?emissions of carbon dioxide, the main green house gas,?stabilized?last year, according to new?data?by the international energy agency,the IEA. It's the first time in 40 years that halting emission has in cost by economic downturn. Hellen Brics reports.


The IEA said global carbon emission in 2014 remained?unchanged?from the previous year at?32?billion tons. Analysts tribute the slowdown to falling coal consumption in China and shift towards more renewable energy and random affect such as weather in changes on oil and gas prices. But the Paris based organization said while the results?were?encouraging; this was no time for complacency as the world looks to the signing of global climate deal in December.?


The Romanian authorities say the country's finance minister Derick is being investigated for corruption. The intrial??will be focus on contacts award to the private company during his time as mayor of S. It's the latest in a series of high profile anti corruption investigations.?


World News from the BBC


The Nigerian military says it uncovered Boko Haram bomb making factory in the northeastern town of Yadi. The militants captured the town in Yadi based dating August, but the army?re-took it?on?Saturday. The defense ministry spokesman said suicide?vests?and improvised explosive devices often used in suicide?bombings were discovered.?


The government of the democratic republic of Congo says it's looking to redraw the boundaries of the Virunga national park, a world heritage site, in order to allow oil exploitation. The Virunga is Africa's oldest national park and home to some of the world's last remaining mountain?gorillas.More Jilin reports.?


When ask whether the government was considering the classifying parts of the Virunga national park to allow oil exploitation to go ahead. The Congolese Prime Minister Mada Dapunew said that they were headed in that direction. He said he has held several talks with the head of UNESCO on the issue. In June following international criticism from?environment?groups who say potential oil leaks would destroy?the?park's fragile ecosystem and threaten?its rare?wildlife.t he company said it will leave the park once it had completed its tests. x said it would not pursue its activities on the site unless the Congolese government and UNESCO came to agreement.


Thousands of government supporters across Brazil have been taking part in?marches?to show their backing for president Rusef following a huge corruption scandal in the state owned oil company?Petrol?Bras.The opposition has called for Ms Ruseef impeachment as the most of the politicians accused of taking bribes from Brazil governing coalition.?


A?Venezuelan?opposition activist arrested during last year's anti government rallies has died in custody. Zalles hanged himself in cell of the headquarters of the country's secret service. His lawyer told?the?BBC Mr Conzallas took his life after learning he would be?transferred?to one of?Venezuelan?notoriously dangerous prisons.?

