夏说英语新闻晨读 第495期:美国从叙利亚撤军(在线收听


The Trump administration is planning a full withdrawal of US forces from northeastern Syria, as it nears the end of its campaign to retake all of the territory once held by Islamic State. On Wednesday morning, Donald Trump tweeted: "We have defeated ISIS in Syria, my only reason for being there during the Trump Presidency." Such a withdrawal would upend the vital US partnership with a Kurdish proxy, the SDF, which has diminished, but not defeated Isis.

administration: n. 政府
withdrawl: n. 撤退
withdraw: vt. 撤退;收回;撤销;vi. 撤退;离开
force: n. 部队;武力;力量;vt. 促使;推动;强加
air force: 空军
retake: vt. 夺回
territory: n. 领土
presidency: n. 总统任职期间
upend: vt. 打倒(destroy)
proxy: n. 代理人
diminish: vt. 消失
