夏说英语新闻晨读 第497期:伟大的母亲创业者(在线收听


Sally Bunkham founded her online retail business nearly two years ago after the birth of her second child. To begin with, she says, she didn't mind being labelled a mumpreneur. "But as I've gone through my business journey I've realised that it's a bit patronising," because it implies it's "someone with a little hobby". She's not alone: A survey of 500 female business founders showed that nearly two thirds of them regarded mumpreneur as a "negative" term.

retail: n. 零售
label: vt. 贴标签
mumpreneur: n. 母亲创业者
entrepreneur: n. 企业家
go through: 经历;经受(experience)
patronizing: adj. 屈尊俯就的(condescending)
patron: n. 赞助人;资助人(sponsor;supporter)
patronise: vt. 赞助;屈尊俯就
hobby: n. 爱好
negative/'neɡətɪv/: adj. 负面的
