
 By all accounts Keith and Paul were close. Raised in Brooklyn and Staten Island, the brothers moved to New Jersey during the late 1980s. 基思和保罗关系密切。兄弟俩在布鲁克林和史坦顿岛长大,1980年代后期搬到了新泽西。

Keith, a computer-savvy, hardworking entrepreneur—as a teen he cleaned the shelves at a computer store without pay just for access to the computer manuals—he launched his own computer and technology consulting business in 1989, landing premier clients like Citibank. 基斯是一位精通计算机、勤奋工作的企业家——十几岁时,他在一家计算机商店里清理货架,没有报酬,只为拿到计算机手册——1989年,他创办了自己的计算机和技术咨询公司,获得了花旗银行等第一批客户。
His first official hire was his brother Paul, whom he named director of technical services. 他的第一个正式雇员是他的兄弟保罗,他任命保罗为技术服务主任。
In five short years the business was generating nearly $6 million a year in revenue, and the brothers were living lavishly, with multiple luxury cars and international vacations. 短短5年时间里,这家公司每年创造了近600万美元的收入,这对兄弟生活奢侈,拥有多辆豪华轿车,并经常出国度假。
"They were wild," recalls Michael Sch wartz, a retired Porsche salesman who sold cars to the Caneiro brothers. “他们很狂野,”迈克尔·施·沃茨(Michael Sch wartz)回忆道。他是一名退休的保时捷销售员,曾向卡内罗兄弟出售汽车。
"They'd run rampant around the showroom, going from car to car. Keith was definitely the nicer one. Paul was more abrasive." “他们会在展厅里乱跑,从一辆车跑到另一辆车。基思绝对好一些。保罗粗暴一些。”
By 2012 the brothers had also taken over a local pest-control business, with both businesses operating out of Asbury Park, N.J. "Keith is one of the brightest people I've ever known," says Connie Thanasoulis, who had worked with the brothers. 到2012年,兄弟俩还接管了当地的一家虫害控制公司,两家公司都在新泽西州的阿斯伯里公园(Asbury Park)经营,“基思是我所认识的最聪明的人之一,”曾与两兄弟共事的康妮·塔纳苏里斯(Connie Thanasoulis)说。
"He was the linchpin of that family." He was also always looking ahead and evaluating how technology—and his companies—were evolving, she says. “他是那个家庭的关键人物。”他也总是向前看,评估技术和他的公司是如何发展的,她说。
After enrolling in Columbia University to complete an undergraduate degree in 2014, he earned a master's of science in technology management there this year. 2014年,他进入哥伦比亚大学(Columbia University)获得了本科学位,今年在那里获得了科技管理硕士学位。
"He'd said, 'My business is changing and the landscape is changing—I need to be able to provide for my family,' " says Thanasoulis, a life coach. “他说,‘我的生意在变,情况也在变——我需要能够供养我的家庭,’”生活教练Thanasoulis说。
"I was helping him do that." Some close to the family say that Paul's prospects did not seem as bright as his brother's. “我是在帮他这么做。”一些与这个家族关系密切的人说,保罗的前途似乎没有他弟弟那么光明。
A serious car wreck in November 2012 left him with chronic pain—he had filed lawsuits against the driver of the other vehicle and his own insurance company. 2012年11月,一场严重的车祸让他患上了慢性疼痛——他对另一辆车的司机和自己的保险公司提起了诉讼。
And authorities are conducting an extensive financial investigation into the Caneiro brothers' joint ventures to further assess motive, according to prosecutor Gramiccioni. 检察官Gramiccioni说,当局正在对卡内罗兄弟的合资企业进行广泛的财务调查,以进一步评估其动机。
Whatever happens next—Paul will remain in Monmouth County jail until his as-yet-unscheduled trial—the Caneiros' neighborhood will never be quite the same. 无论接下来发生什么,保罗都将被关押在蒙茅斯县监狱直至审判。审判尚未安排。
The chainlink fence around the boarded-up, fire-scarred home at 15 Willow Brook Road boasts homemade tributes to the family, with children's handwritten scrawls and cutout pink hearts bearing witness to the vibrant lives lost. 柳溪路15号那栋被木板封住、被大火烧毁的房子周围,有一道用铁链围成的栅栏,上面挂着孩子们手写的潦草字迹和剪下的粉色心形图案,这些都是对逝去生命的见证,是对这个家庭的缅怀。
"Jesse liked to ride his Segway. Sophia loved mac and cheese from the box," says a family friend. “杰西喜欢骑赛格威。索菲亚喜欢盒子里的通心粉和奶酪。”这个家庭的一位朋友说。
"Keith knew where all the best pizza places were; he was like our guide. Jennifer was active, spent a lot of time with their kids, those kids were their pride and joy. I miss them a lot; I think about them every single day. I just want people to know who they were very loving." “基思知道所有最好的披萨店在哪里;他就像我们的向导。詹妮弗很活跃,花了很多时间和他们的孩子在一起,那些孩子是他们的骄傲和快乐。我很想念他们;我每天都在想他们。我只是想让人们知道他们是谁…很可爱。”