英语听力精选进阶版 8470(在线收听

The leaders and US and Cuba have held the first formal talks in more than half a century. President Mr. Obama and his Cuba counterpart Raul Castro met face to face on the sideline of Summit of the??Americas in Panama. The meeting clears the way for normalization relations after decades of disunity between the US and the communist-ruled island. President Obama said he wanted to see Cuba proper and it is time to change the relations.?


“After 50 years of policy that have not changed on a partner of US. It was my believe that was time to try something??new.but it was important for us to engage more directly with??the Cuban government and Cuban??people”.??


President Castro said Cuba was open to building a friendship with US,but he said the two countries have many differences.?


Kenya’s deputy president William Ruto has given the UN three months to move about??hundreds of thousands of Somalian refuges back to Somalia,the ultimatum comes after the Somalia- based Islamic group al-Shabab killed 148 people in a Kenya university. Karen Allen is in northeastern Kenya.

联合国给肯尼亚副总统William Ruto三个月时间将数十万名索马里难民送回索马里,这一最后通牒在索马里伊斯兰组织青年党组织杀害了肯尼亚大学148名学生事件之后发出。下面是本台记者从肯尼亚东北部发回的报道。

“Investigations continued but only one of the four gunmen has been identified so far,he was a Kenya law student who was been recruited by al-Shabab. It comes as a time of increasing??concern that the armed group is not only recruiting in Somalia,but inside Kenya as well.It revived calls by the Kenya government for hundreds of thousands of Somalian refugees in Dadaab camp in the Kenya side of border to be sent back into the Somalia. But UN points out the Kenya-side international conventions prevented the expulsion?of refugees.?


The authority of Bangladesh have executed a senior Islamist leader for war crimes committed during the war of independence from Pakistan. Mohammad Kamaruzzaman, the third most senior figure in the Islamist opposition Jamaat-e-Islami party,was hanged??after the country supreme court rejected??the final appeal,he was sentenced to death in May 2013 for torture , abduction and murder.

孟加拉国当局处决一名在巴基斯坦独立战争期间犯下战争罪的伊斯兰高级领袖。Mohammad Kamaruzzaman是伊斯兰反对党伊斯兰大会党的第三个重要领导人,在孟加拉国最高法院驳回最终上诉之后被判处绞刑。他在2013年五月份因酷刑,绑架和谋杀罪名被判处死刑。

IS has posted a video online that shows its militants destroying??artifacts in the ancient Iraqi city of Nimrud. Here is??Bastin Russel.


“In this new video,the militants were showing hacking of wall curbings and sculptures in what was once the capital of Assyrian empire .They used bulldozers and explosives to blow up the walls.The video?commentate in montage explosions ,many of the treasures of Nimrud are safe elsewhere in museums around the world,??but not remains on sites to make the latest??destruction wreaked by IS in a self declared war against false idols on a stage in a attempted??annihilation ,not only??the rocks destroyed of the rich past ,but the world’s earliest civilizations.?


BBC news.


The Saudi Defense ministry says three Saudi army officers have been killed by?mortar round,fired??across the border by??Houthi rebels in Yemen. An official statement said the blast in the army posted not drive in Saudi Arabia.The Saudi news agency also reported that 502 Houthis have been killed since the start of Saudi-led airstrikes in Yemen last month.


Hundreds of mourners attended the funerals in US of??Walter Scott,a black man who was shot in back while running away from a white police officer.The??pastor of the service in South Carolina say the shooting was a act motivated by overt racism. One of the family said the death could act as catalyst?to change. A policeman has been charged with murder, Mr. Scott’s death was the latest??case of policeman in US shooting dead on unarmed black men.?

美国数百名哀悼者参与了Walter Scott的葬礼。Walter Scott是一名黑人,在躲避一名白人警察时被无辜射杀。南卡罗来纳州服务机构牧师说开枪行为是一种种族主义之上的行为动机。其中一位死者亲人说Walter Scott的死应该是改变政策的催化剂。一名警员已经被指控谋杀罪名。Walter Scott的死亡事件是美国最近发生的警员射杀无辜黑人事件。

Women rowers have made history by taking part in the Oxford and Cambridge University boat race on the teams on the same day and the same course as the men. The women's event days back to 1927 but it was the first time their rowing authorities have dropped the opposition to making it a joint occasion. Oxford won both races.

