英语听力精选进阶版 8499(在线收听

Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia have been holding??an emergency meeting to try??to resolved the migrant crisis in the region. Thousands of migrants who stranded at sea with dwindling food and water suppliers because the three countries don’t want to let them in. Julia G reports.


“In the last week, pictures of desperate men,women and children have shocked the world,along with the stories of??fight??to the death over dwindling??food.Several thousands of migrants,many from the Rohingya atheist group, are still stranded. Thailand,Malaysia and Indonesia were refused to let them land.As politicians struggle to find a compromise ,fears??grow about the survival of??those delayed at sea for many diplomatic solutions when it finally comes may simply be too late.?


A boat carried around 400 migrants which is pushed back and??forth between Thailand and Malaysia? ?last week has arrived at Indonesia province of Aceh.It has been at sea for two and a half months carried??Rohingya muslims from Myanmar.


Ukraine’s president Petro Poroshenko has told BBC he doesn’t trust the Russian leaders to help??bring ends to the crisis in the eastern Ukraine. Mr. Poroshenko??says he feared that would be a new Russian offense against??his country in the coming month ,describing the situation as a real war.?


Animal right activists in Australia say they have obtained what they described as“ a shocking video footage”??of Australian cattle been killed in Vietnam.??From Sydney ,here is Phil Mercer.


“Campaign??from animals Australia said the footage showed cows having their??skulls smashed by??sledgehammers at an abattoir in Vietnam. The welfare group??has not yet to release the video,but it lodged complain with the agriculture department in Canberra.Australia’s Royal Society??for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals is calling for the live cattle trade with Vietnam to be halted.

There was a controversy in the industry four years ago when the previous Labor Administration suspended??Australian shipments??to Indonesia over claims of widespread abuse. “


The former??commander of Somalia Al-Shabab military??group has urged to stop attacking civilians. Zakariya Ismail Hersi,??a??high profile??defector was speaking to BBC in Mogadishu??in his first interview??with foreign media.Our Africa correspondent Andrew Harding reports.?


“He was the head of military and intelligent??but out??Al-Shabab??,now 33- year old Zakariya is being captive??in safe house in Mogadishu. He is center??peace of the new initiative by the Somalia government to win over top-level defectors.The former??economic student condemned the recent terrorist attack in neighboring Kenya. “


“ Review on history ,I am??sending??my??apologies??to them,to their families and parents,but take this to civilians ,it is not legitimate thing , there is no place in Islamic world..The government is hoping Zakariya??can??convince others to defect.?


BBC news.


The White House has announced a??new plan to adverse??alarming decline in the population in the bees and minor butterflies in US.Both play??crucial role in agriculture, millions??of acres of? ?federal lands would be made more bee-friendly in the??next five years.And farmers will be encouraged to use fewer pesticides.?


The Iraqi government has called for volunteers help it retake the city of Ramadi from IS militants.The cabinet’s statement??said voluntary recruitment??was necessary because of military shortages. Shia militias has been gathering near Ramadi at the request of Iraqi government ,ready for an assault??on the city.?


Poice in Canada say they have arrested ten young??people at??Montreal??airport when they are??suspected of??trying to join in IS in Iraqi and in Syria. The arrest were made last weekend??, the??Canadian??police said no charges had yet been brought and the investigation??was continuing.?


Argentine judges are facing calls for their impeachment after??reducing??a sentence of??a paedophile on the grounds that his 6-year- old??victim had been abused before.The ruling was made last year but only came to live this week ,our correspondent??in??Buenos Aires X has the details of reactions to the ruling.?


We have heard very strong words especially from several government ministers on Tuesday,??Anibal Fernandez, the president chief of cabinet, used very strong words against the sentence and said that it was one of the world’s disgraces in the country’s history. He also called the judges mourn on ,and he is calling for the judges’??impeachment??which??something that is spin repeated all over social networks and even it is being picked up by several government bodies.


And a Hungary??writer László Krasznahorkai has won Britain’s prestigious Man Booker International Prize for 2015.

