
 Try and use some of this water. 试着利用这些水

And if you're caught in a forest fire, 如果你被困森林大火  
there's some really simple, basic things you can do just to protect yourself. 你可以做些最基本的防护措施 来保护你自己
The first thing is just get rid of all of this sort of clothing, synthetic stuff. 第一件事就是脱掉这种材料的 衣物  人工制品
Plastic is just gonna stick to your skin. 里面的塑料会粘在你的皮肤上
Also any fleeces,anything like that. What you want is natural fibers. 还有羊毛也是 那些也要脱掉  只能留天然纤维的东西
This is cotton. this is gonna be good. 这是纯棉的  可以穿着
And mud will provide further fire protection. 而泥浆可以进一步保护你免受火焰侵蚀
You just want to use this mud to paste all over you and protect your skin from the flames. 你需要把这些泥浆 涂满全身 这样能保护你的皮肤免受烈火侵蚀
It might not look very pretty, 虽然这样看起来不怎么美观
but this is about trying to survive very hot flames. 但这是为了在熊熊烈火中能生存下来
Okay,Let's just get in this stuff. 好了 干脆在里面滚一圈
Try and just get through it and get to the other side. 试试通过这里 到另一边去
Just stick with me, all right?Ok, let's go. Come on. 跟紧我  懂吗 好了  走吧  跟上
I need to move quickly but carefully. 我得快速且小心地移动
This is no place to trip up.Okay, you've got to cover your face. 这可不是游玩的好去处 你得捂好你的脸
You've got to cover it now. That's it.Get it right over your nose. 现在就赶紧捂好  就这样 盖住你的鼻子
And, actually, smoke inhalation is a bigger killer than the flames.You ready? Okay. 事实上  吸入浓烟 可比火焰还致命 准备好了吗  好 