
 With hundreds of gallons of water castigating 瀑布带着数百加仑的水  一泻而下

over the fall every second, the falls is breath-taking. 每分每秒都令人窒息
What I can do is hang on to the log,With this weight water on me, even breathing is hard. 我能做的就是紧紧抓住原木 水的重量让我呼吸都感到困难
Getting down that was a mission,A waterfall have a habbit for being ruthless if you get it wrong. 终于成功下来了 若是你有失误  瀑布就绝不留情
When you're battling against a river as strong as this, 要与这么湍急的河流做斗争
you've got to replenish your energy levels with any opportunity you get. 你得利用所有机会 补充身体能量
There's a catfish in this pool. 水塘里有只鲶鱼
I'm deep in the Vietnamese jungle,making my way down to wild mountain river. 我深入越南丛林 沿着河道顺流而下
Another bleep waterfall.Where you never know what might be lurking around the next corner. 有一个该死的瀑布 丛林神秘莫测 你永远无法预知下一秒会遇见什么
There's a catfish in this pool.See him? He's just gone behind that rock. 水塘里有只鲶鱼 看到没  游到石头后面去了
See? Straight in there, behind the grass.There you go. See him moving? 快看  就在那片草丛后面 就在那  看到它动了吧
I should search something that we can dam this.Stay there. 我要找点东西挡住它的去路 别动