
 I'm deep in the heart of the Chihuahuan desert, western Texas,and I've reached arroyo. 我身处德克萨斯州西部的 奇瓦瓦沙漠的中心地带 现在我来到一处河谷

Look at this.A slash of green vegetation fed from spring water emerging straight out of the volcanic rock. 看看这里山坡上的这些郁郁葱葱的绿茵 都是由从火山岩里 孕育渗出的泉水灌溉着
Just unbelievable to find water like this,in the middle of the desert,when it's so hot and so dry. 能在如此的炎热干燥的 沙漠中心地带 找到水实在是太不可思议了
First thing I'm gonna do is just have a dunk in it.That is heaven. 我要做的第一件事就是   跳进去好好享受下 这里简直就是天堂
All of this is just volcanic spring water,which means it's drinkable. 这些都是火山泉水 也就是说它可以直接饮用
And it's said that a lot of this water takes up to 1000 years to seep through all the rock and come out of this. 据说这些泉水从岩石中渗透出来  把这里灌满需要上千年的时间
Let me get my bottle to fill up. 我要把我的瓶子给装满
When you find something like this,man, you've got to make use of it. 当你找到这样的好地方 你得好好地利用下
Kind of a pretty imposing place, eh? 这景象真是壮观  不是吗
Logs and debris are left piled high,evidence of the power of storms that hit this region. 圆木及其残骸堆积成山 这些都是强风暴 袭击此地时留下的
It makes progress down this arroyo slow work. 要下到河谷下面去得慢点
All of this is the remains of flash floods, 眼前的这一切都是由山洪造成的
and when it rains here in this valley, in this gully, 山谷里下过雨之后
all that water just gets rammed through here. 所有的雨水都会从这里蜂拥而出