
 There's the river.See that?The Rio Grande,and the border of Mexico. 那边有河 看见了吗 格兰德河 美国和墨西哥的界河

And the border-control guys are gonna be all over this. 在这条河上  到处都有边防巡逻队的身影
You know, they have cameras in unmanned balloons,patrols going up and down the river. 他们在你头上的无人气球上装了摄像头 他们会沿河不停地巡逻
If you can reach that,you're gonna get found. 只要你能下到河里 自然有人会来找你
The river is several hundred feet below, 这条河在你身下几百英尺
but by pushing my back and feet against either side, 但只要用脚和背分别抵着两边的岩石
I can use these narrow fissures to chimney-climb my way down. 我就可以用烟囱攀登法   沿着这条狭小的缝隙降至谷底
My feet are wedged on about one toe's worth of loose, crumbling, horrible stuff. 我现在只能靠脚抠住又松又散的岩壁 但也就只有一个脚趾那么宽
I don't like this feeling very much.Bear, stop complaining. Get down it. 我不喜欢这种感觉 贝尔  别抱怨了  快下去吧
It's vital to keep your movements nice and slow, 把步伐变慢  保持平稳  至关重要
and always keep body pressure against the rock face. 要时刻用身体抵住岩壁不能松
What I don't like is I just can't see how big a drop it is under me, 但是看不到下面到底有多深 这让我很是难受
whether it's 20 foot or 200 foot down that shaft. 到底是20英寸 还是200英寸高
It's definitely beginning to widen out, though.Oh, man, that's bad. 不过下面开始变宽了 这可不好
That's bad. That's just a sheer overhang drop down there. 这里太陡了  直接到底
And that is not climbable.We've got to use this rope somehow. 这里肯定是没法爬了 我们得借助下这根绳子
We'll work out some way of attaching this. 得想办法把它栓在哪
I'm gonna try and improvise some way of making, like, a nut. 我要临时做个螺母应个急
It's a climbing tool that jams into a rock that you can attach a rope to. 其实就是一种塞进石头里的攀爬工具 你可以把绳子绑在上面