
 I'm Bear Grylls. 我是贝尔·格里尔斯

I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth. 我将向您展示  如何从地球上 最危险的地带  逃出生天
I've got to make it through a week of challenges 短短一周时间内我将身涉险境 面临生死考验
in the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right survival skills. 周遭炼狱  没有生存技巧  你命在旦夕 而我要设法突出重围
Now I'm in the Alaska,tackling treacherous glaciers. 现在我身处阿拉斯加 穿梭于险恶的冰川中
If that goes on us,it's basically the weight of a car. 如果它砸下来 大概是一辆车的重量
Fighting my way across wild water pools.Squeeze my spuds, this is cold. 挣扎着渡过汹涌的山涧 制造我的竹筏  这水真冷
And taking to the high seas with some of the largest creatures on the planet.Now, that's coming fast. 和世界上最大的生物 一起畅游公海 它正快速驶来
Alaska is the largest states in the U.S.Over half and a million square miles wildness. 阿拉斯加是美国最大的州 方圆150多万平方英里
It's more remote and less-populated than anywhere in the states. 它比其他州都更偏远  人口更稀少
For adventurers like me,it's truly the "last frontier". 对于我这样的冒险家而言 这里是真正的"最后的荒野"
I'm being dropped deep into the wilderness by the Alaska air national guard. 阿拉斯加空军正把我 带入这片荒蛮之地
And these guys are part of one of the busiest search-and-rescue operations in the U.S. 这帮人是美国最繁忙的 搜救小组之一
Last year alone, they flew 68 victims,and saved over 50 lives. 仅去年  他们就救出68人 挽救了五十多条生命
With 30,000 square miles of permanent ice,winter snows of up to 40 foot, 这里有三万平方英里的永久冰层 冬天积雪厚达40英尺
and one of the largest populations of black and grizzly bears in the world, 作为世界上最大的 黑熊和灰熊栖息地之一
Alaska is the ultimate survival challenge. 阿拉斯加是终极的荒野求生之地
You don't want to get lost out here,but if you do,these are the guys who will be looking to get you out. 你绝对不想在这里迷路 但万一你迷路了 这些家伙会把你救出来