
 This size of the spikes on this.I wanna get rid of all of these Bubs off first.Here we go. 这家伙的刺真长 首先我要把这些没用的东西砍掉 这样就好了

Okay, I'll let you see inside.All of the sand,and the guts.I don't want that. 我们来看看里面是啥样  好多沙子 还有内脏 我才不吃内脏
But underneath this,see all of these brown parts here?That's all of his eggs all of his roe. 但这下面 看见褐色的东西了吗 那是它的蛋 它的卵
And all of these eggs are good to eat.They say this is the caviar of the sea.It's like...it's like a baby poo.Caviar? 这些卵 都是能吃的 他们说这是海洋中的鱼子酱 这味道就像 就像婴儿的大便 是鱼子酱嘛
Without a rotten line,you're maybe forced to hunt under rocks for fish crabs and fresh water snails. 在找不到腐烂线时 你就不得不在石头下寻找鱼蟹 和淡水蜗牛了
Man, there is something...something down here.But in the murky water in the Louisiana swamps 天呐  下面有 有情况 但在路易斯安那州这浑浊的水中
it is possible to go fishing simply using your fingers as a hooking bait. 用手指作为诱饵 来钓鱼也未尝不可
Just got a big...Just...got a big catfish get him on the shore.Let me see. 抓到了...一条大鲶鱼 我要把它弄上岸 我看看
Your hear that?He's got my.Try to show you this.Oh my finger right down its mouth.What I gonna do hang on to those gills. 你听到了吗  它要到我的 想给你看看 我的手指 直直地插入了它的嘴 我要做的就是不松手 牢牢抓住它的腮
The spines on the peak territory fins can cause severe wounds and they contain a powerful venin that causes extreme pain. 鱼鳍里的刺 可能造成严重的伤势 而且它们还含有剧毒 可能导致剧烈疼痛
And these guys...just gonna hang on for dear life.This is shreded my fingers. 这家伙...为了活命 死咬不松口 我的手指 都快被咬烂了
That must be...must be 20 pounds of fish.Look all of that,is great to eat raw. 它肯定 重大至少20磅 这些肉 生吃起来还不错
In my next challenge I'll take on the raging courage mighty and busy river to show you how to survive the world's wildest water. 我下一次将挑战 湍急汹涌的河流 向你展示如何在 世界最湍急的水中求生