
 I face some of the harshest places on earth,and every step I take,my crew follows. 我亲临这世界上一些严酷之地 每一步艰难的前行 都有同伴相随

When you through on it for mid of the wildness,it always take time to adjust. 当你身处荒野之中时 总是需要花时间来适应
But it is swamps that the crew found most unnerving.You come from London on the plane, 但是最让队员们感到不安的是沼泽 你从伦敦来坐飞机来
literally... you know,couples of days later, you are dropped into a swamp,which is...you know, incredibly intimidating place. 事实上  你知道 几天之后  你掉进了一滩沼泽 那真是  你知道  难以置信的 令人恐惧的地方
And immidiately your senses just on absolute overreacting and anything that brush brushes your leg,you just "Ho, what's that? what's that? what's that?" 瞬间 你的神经绷到极点 所有碰触你腿的东西 你唯一的反应就是 "哦  啥东西  啥东西  啥东西"
It's amazing how sensitive your hear become, just...every little crack will twig,when you're not quite sure what's under the surface. 你的听觉变得异常敏锐   连小树枝断裂都听得见 因为你不知道 水下面会有什么
Whether is the swamp to the deep south or the jungle river in Belize. 无论是在深渊的沼泽 亦或是贝里斯的丛林河流
surviving in water is a tough business.And filming in it, a real challenge. 在水中求生从来都不是易事 在水中拍摄  更是挑战
the temperature, the wild water and the risk of drowning are all facts that meet me and my team always thinking long and hard. 水温  宽广的水域和溺水的危险都是我和我的团队 要深思熟虑的
Fast flowing rivers and rapids they are...they are for me, personally the...the risk is environment. 急速奔流的河和湍流 它们就我个人来说 真正的危险是外部环境
Because it's totally moving changing risk.Every day the flow is different,so it's very tense environment to operate it. 因为这是完完全全的 不断变化的风险 每一天  水流都会不同 所以  这是很难驾驭的艰难环境
I can't affirm us of thinking right, okay?If something went wrong here,it's dental my ability to get off here or it's completely you tense... tense more than nature. 我无法断定我们的想法是对的 如果有什么意外 究竟我能自行脱困 还是一切要由大自然主宰
I think water, is defenitely the best example that cause you are completely at its mercy. 我认为水  绝对是最好的例证 因为你完全只能任其摆布
Bear is very very good at finding that line,and not exactly like to me. 贝尔非常擅长发现这其中的界限 而像我就不能分辨的那么准确