英语听力精选进阶版 8618(在线收听

France says it turned away nearly 3.5 thousand people from its borders since a state of the emergency with introduced after last month attacks in Paris. The French interior minister Bernard Cazeneuve said they were refused entry because they posed a risk to security and public order.


The president of Columbia Juan Manuel Santos has signed a decree legalizing marihuana for medical use. He described the move as an important step placing Columbia at the forefront to fight against disease. He insisted he didn't contradict the country's international commitment on drug control. Columbia has long been associated with the US led war on drugs, it's the latest Latin American country to move towards legalizing marihuana.


The American space agency NASA has suspended the launch with next mission to Mars because of a fault in a key search instrument. The Insights space craft was scheduled take off in March and land on Mars 6 months later. Mike Sanders reports. It's a problem that will cause a major delay. The window of sending a probe to Mars last a matter of weeks and comes around only once every 26 months. The next time earth and Mars are in favorable alignment will happen again until 2018. It needs a vacuum seal around the 3 main sensors and twice now that seal has leaked in the kind of extreme cold found on Mars. But NASA points to previous successes of postponement, saying they are far outweighed any disappointment of that delay.


French's most famous famous brothel-keeper Madame Claude has died on aFrench , age of 92. Her clienteles 1960s and 70s including ministers, business leaders, police chiefs, gangsters and even she claimed x of Iran and John Kennedy. Persued by the French tax authority, she fled to the US returning in 1996 to spend time in jail. In late year, she lives as recluse in a small apartment in Nice.

