美国小学英语教材3:第145课 培迪的圣诞节(2)(在线收听

 Then he said, "What is Christmas? It's pretty, and it's lots of fun, and it makes you feel good from the inside out. But what is it?" 然后他说:什么是圣诞节?那个太好玩了,很有趣,能让你由内而外感到舒心。但它究竟是什么?”

I don't know, said Father, and he rumbled back to sleep. 我不知道。他爸爸说,说完,打着呼噜又睡着了。
I don't know, said Mother, and she tumbled back to sleep. 我不知道。他妈妈说,说完,转了个身又睡着了。
I don't know, said Uncle and Aunt, and they grumbled back to sleep. 我不知道。他叔叔、阿姨说,说完,他们也咕咕哝哝地又睡着了。
Then Paddy waked them all up again and said, "I must find out what Christmas is, because I want one very much. 这时候,培迪又把他们全部弄醒了,说:我一定要弄清楚圣诞节是什么,因为我很想要过一个圣诞节。
If you don't tell me, I'll go down and ask the people in the log house; and you know what they do to bear-cubs." 如果你们不告诉我,我就下去问木屋里的人们;你们是知道他们怎么对待熊宝宝的。
This frightened the grown-up bears so much that Uncle said he would go at once and find out what Christmas is. 这可吓坏了成年的大熊们,他的叔叔说他马上就去搞清楚圣诞节是什么。
Down the mountain-side he went to the little log house. 他顺着山坡走到了小木屋边。
He listened and looked and sniffed. 他又是听又是看,还用鼻子仔细地嗅了嗅。
Then he came back to Paddy. 接着回到了培迪那里。
Christmas, he said," is holly, and evergreen trees, and cedar branches, and things like that. 圣诞节呢,他说,就是冬青啊、常青树啊,或是雪松的树枝啊,以及像这类的东西。
You get them and trim the house and sing songs, and that is Christmas, " Then all the grown-up bears went back to sleep. 你可以拿这些东西装饰一下屋子,再唱唱歌什么的,那便是圣诞节了。然后,所有的成年大熊又回去睡觉了。