英语听力精选进阶版 8626(在线收听

In an emotional speech at the White House, President Obama has detailed his plans to tighten gun controls. He introduced the new measures including background checks by executive order sidestepping congressional opposition. Jon Sopel reports. “His nickname is No-Drama Obama, but not today, not on the issue of gun control as frustration, impatience and anger over the failure to act, turn to raw emotion as he spoke about the young children who died at the New town school shooting. 'First graders and from every family who never imagine that their loved one would be taken from our lives by a bullet from a gun.Every time I think about those kids, they get me mad.' The proposals from the president are relatively modest. No class of weapons is being banned. It's about tightening background checks.” The National Rifle Association said it would fight President Obama's measures. The gun lobby group said the proposals would not have prevented any of the mass killings that the president referred to in his speech. The Republican Lieutenant Governor of Texas Dan Patrick said the changes didn't amount too much. “It's political posturing which will have no impact on reducing crime and it will probably not stand up to a challenge in the courts. And lastly I believe Ted Cruz or any other Republican becomes president will repeal those orders.”


The German chancellor Angle Merkel has condemned as poignant a wave of sexual assaults on women during New Year celebrations in Cologne. About 90 women say they were attacked. Similar incidents on a smaller scale also took place in the cities of Hamburg and Stuttgart. Damien McGuinness reports. “Eyewitnesses report chaotic scenes with dozens of crying women sworn at and attacked by gangs of aggressive drunk men. One eyewitness says there were too few police officers for situation that was clearly out of control. The attackers are described as seemingly of North African appearances. Anti-migrant campaigners say this proves Germany is letting in too many refugees, but officials say there is no evidence that the men were asylum seekers.”


Reports from Saudi Arabia say armed men have set fire to a bus which was transporting workers in the country's eastern province. According to the state media, there were no injuries. The attack comes at a time of tension in the area following Saudi Arabia's execution of a dissident Shiite Muslim cleric Nemeral-Nemer accused of involvement in terrorism. The cleric lived and preached in the eastern province which was home to many Shiite people who feel discriminated against by Saudi Sunni Muslim majority.


An opposition-controlled parliament in Venezuela has been sworn in. The governing Socialist Party went down to a heavy defeat in last month's election after 17 years in control of the national assembly. World news from the BBC.


A US soldier has been killed and two wounded during operations against Taliban insurgents in southern Afghanistan. An unspecified number of Afghan troops were also injured in the fighting near the town of Marjah in Helmand province.A military helicopter sent in to evacuate casualties was grounded as the Pentagon's press secretary Peter Cook told a news conference in Washington. “HH-60Pave Hawk MedEvac helicopters were sent to provide assistance, one of those waved off after taking fire, returned safely to its base.

在阿富汗南部,针对塔利班武装分子的行动中,一名美国士兵死亡,两名士兵受伤。赫尔曼德省马尔扎镇附近发生的战斗中,一只阿富汗军队也有人员伤亡,但伤亡人数尚不清楚。五角大楼新闻秘书彼得·库克在伦敦召开的新闻发布会上表示,一架被派往疏散伤员的军用飞机也被迫停飞。“HH-60“铺路鹰”(pave hawk)医疗直升机已被派往提供援助,其中一架着火后已经复飞,目前已经安全回到基地。

The second landed safely, but it sustained damage to its rotor blades after it apparently struck a wall. That helicopter remains on the ground. This is an ongoing situation.There is still a fight going on. In the immediate surroundings, we will provide more details as they become available.” Fighting in Helmand Province has increased in recent weeks since Taliban forces have tried to regain control of towns including Lashkar Gah.


The oldest mosque in North America has invited the US Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump to visit. The imam of the mother mosque of America atCedar Rapids in Iowa said it wanted Mr. Trump to discuss his plan and philosophy with fellow citizens. The invitation comes shortly after the tycoon released his first campaign television advert repeating his controversial call for temporary ban on Muslims entering the US.


Police in Spain have seized more than three tons of cocaine and arrested 11suspected drug smugglers. Officers found the drugs during a raid on a ware house in the northwestern region of Galicia following a tip off from their British counterparts.


Zimbabwe says it will export more of its wildlife to China. The environment minister Oppah Muchinguri said the measure would save animals like elephants,baboons, lions and hyenas from dying in droughts. Critics say the exports will deplete the country's natural resources for future generations. BBC news.

津巴布韦称将向中国出口更多的野生动物。环境部长 Oppah Muchinguri称,此举措将拯救那些会死于干旱的大象、狒狒、狮子和鬣狗。但是批评人士称,这样会使本国的自然资源枯竭,未来子孙可能无法见到这些动物。BBC新闻。
