CRI实用英语课堂 Unit 5 Olympic English(2) 奥运风情(2)(在线收听

Part 1 The Olympics and Beijing 奥林匹克和北京 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文1

Jason: Hello, Annie, you look very excited why?
Annie: Don't you hear the exciting news?
Jason: What is it? Come on, tell me!
Annie: Beijing will bid to host the 2008 Olympics.
Jason: Really?
Annie: Absolutely! I heard it on TV last night.
Jason: That's great!
Annie: Yes, Liu Qi, president of the Beijing Olympic Games Bid Committee said Beijing would host an unprecedented games, if Beijing had a chance.
Jason: I also heard He Zhenliang played a major role in developing Chinese sports.
Annie: Yes. He is a member of the International Olympic Committee, and he was president of the Chinese Olympic Committee, ever.
Ted: The Beijing Olympic Games Bid Committee is collecting the slogan of the 2008 Olympic Games. Do you know?
Annie: Yes, and I have posted mine.
Jason: Well, what's your motto?
Annie: Beijing Embraces the Olympics.
Jason: It's perfect. I expect the IOC will select Beijing as the host city in 2008.
Annie: Me too. Beijing, good luck!


1.bid这个词是申请的意思,举办2008年奥运会,就是bid to host the 2008 Olympics。

2.slogan和 motto都可以解释为 “口号”的意思,这里Annie寄出去的Olympic Motto是Beijing Embraces the Olympics. 北京拥抱奥林匹克。

3. 大家要注意的是奥运会是由一个国家的城市而不是由一个国家承办的,一个国家可以由几个城市同时提出 申请。

4.The Beijing Olympic Games Bid Committee是北京申奥委员会, 主席是刘淇。

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文2

Joe: What a fine day! What about taking a walk?
Megan: Good idea. Where do you want to go?
Joe: I'd like to walk on the street.
Megan: The street look clearer and the air is fresher recently.
Joe: Yes, this is the result of Beijing's effort towards bidding for Olympics.
Megan: Oh, what are the people doing over there?
Joe: They're building the Olympic Village.
Megan: Look! That bulletin!
Joe: Yes, there are "Beijing Embraces the Olympics", "Bid the Olympics, include me" in it.
Megan: Yes, these are our mottos.


1. bid for Olympics也可以表示申办奥运会,bid to host the Olympics也表示同一个意思。

2.奥运村:Olympic Village,在1932年首次在洛山矶出现了奥运村,以后历届奥运会都要为参赛的运动员们修建奥运村.

Part 2 Programs and Events at the Olympics 奥运会比赛项目 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文1

Annie: Do you know that Chinese women's soccer team won the Asian women's soccer title again last Sunday?
David: Really? How exciting! Who was the rival in the final this time?
Annie: It's Democratic People's Republic of Korea.
David : What was the result?
Annie: 3:0. By the way, what do you think about Chinese National Soccer Team?
David: Very low. There are many shortcomings of Chinese National Soccer Team.
Annie: Why? What are your reasons?
David: Well, I think they lack basic soccer skills. The teamwork is inadequate and the ability to score goals is quite poor.
Annie: Yes, they've gotta learn how to position the ball first.
David: Yeah, there's really a long way to go for Chinese National Soccer Team.


1.奥运会足球比赛和世界杯足球赛是规模最大,影响最大,水平最高、观众人数最多的比赛。这里还提到了亚洲杯足球比赛, Asian Soccer Cup

2.比赛中的对手,rival,对方球队,the rival team。

3.中国足球真的是还有很长的一段路要走,There's really a long way to go for Chinese National Soccer Team.

中圈 kick-off circle 禁区 penalty zone
端线 goal line 球门区 goal area
球门柱 goal-post  球门网 goal net

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文2

Jimmy: What a game! I like playing man-to-man defense, while I can keep my guy from scoring.
Lucy: Yeah, if we had been playing zone defense, I don’t think we would have beaten them by so much.
Jimmy: We might only have tied, and then gone into overtime.
Lucy: But I knew we were going to win by intuition.
Jimmy: Really?
Lucy: Well, their play was too loose. They should have played a tighter game. Their defense seemed confused, uncoordinated.
Jimmy: That's true. Whatever, we won the game and really beat them.

讲解: man-to-man defense 打一对一的防守赛。 zone defense 打区域联防。

3. Have a tied game 打成平手。

4. Go into overtime 进入加时赛。

5.打败对手用beat这个词。例如:We have beaten them by 3 points. 我们赢了他们三分,我们赢了比赛。也可以说We won the game by 3 points. 我们以三分险赢比赛。

球场 playing court 分位线 lane place line
篮球 basketball 罚球线 free throw line
边线 side line 罚球区 free throw lane
中线 center line 三分线 three point line
端线 end line 限制区 restricted area
界线 boundary line 位置区 lane place
前场 front court 中立区 neutral zone
中场 mid court 球队席 team bench
后场 back court 篮架支柱 basket post
中圈 centre circle 用过的球 used ball
篮圈 ring 本方球篮 own basket
篮网 net 对方球篮 opponet's basket
篮板 backboard 犯规次数牌 foul markers
球篮 basket 全队犯规标志team foul marker
篮架 basket support 替补队员席 substitude bench
开表 game clock 技术设备 technical equipment
停表 stop the clock 球队席区域 team bench areas
哨 whistle球场面积 dimension of the court
三分投篮区 three-point field goal areas

Dialogue Script 3 对话原文3

Monica: How many kinds of table tennis playing?
Joe: There are men's singles, men's doubles, men's team, women's singles, women's doubles and women's team.
Monica: What does table tennis require?
Joe: Oh, it's not that easy. It requires speed, balance, stamina, agility, flexibility, coordination and good footwork.
Monica: I think so. By the way, why do you prefer the pen-hold grip?
Joe: I think I can get more control by doing so.
Monica: I hope you can teach me this skill sometime.
Joe: Sure, my pleasure.


1. 乒乓球运动可以是table tennis,也可以直接用 pingpong。's singles, men's doubles, men's team, women's singles, women's doubles and women's team  说的是乒乓球的比赛项目,有男单,女单,男双,女双,男团,女团。

3.打乒乓球需要速度speed,协调balance,耐力stamina,灵敏agility,柔韧flexibility,协作coordination和良好的步法good footwork。

远台 back court 台的边缘 edge of table
中台 middle court 球台端线 front edge of table
近台 short court (球台)中区 centre zone
中线 center (球台)近网区 net zone
台角 corner of table 接球员的左半区 receiver's left half court
网柱 pole 接球员的右半区 receiver's right half court
全台 full court 底线区 goal zone 直握拍pen-hold grip

Dialogue Script 4 对话原文4

Amy: I want to learn gymnastics. Can you help me, Mark?
Mark: With pleasure. First of all, you should learn some basic knowledge about gymnastics.
Amy: How many set exercises are there for women?
Mark: There are four: floor exercise, vault, balance beam and asymmetrical bars.
Amy: I know that a gymnast should have excellent physical and mental qualities.
Mark: That's true.


1.体操 gymnastics

2.自由体操 floor exercise,跳马vault,平衡木balance beam,高低杠asymmetrical bars

3. 体操英语词汇:
屈体跳 piked jump 山羊 buck
足尖跑 running on toes 高杠 high bar
肩倒立 shoulder stand 吊杠 hanging bar
侧空翻 side airspring 吊环 hand ring
规定动作 required routine
横杠 bar 蹦床 bounding table
双杠 parallel bars 鞍马 pommeled horse
高低杠 asymmetrical bars 平衡木 balance beam
平衡梯 balancing 体操凳 gym bench

Part 3 Heroes of the Five Rings 五环群英谱 

Dialogue Script 1 对话原文1

Anne: Do you know something about Marion Jones?
David: Of course, she's my icon.
Anne: How coincidental! She's my idol, too.
David: She loves the 100 meter dash for its sweet burst of speed, but her favorite event is 200m.
Anne: She's going to embark on high-profile, high stakes, big-money quests.
David: She has the ability and the opportunity to become an international icon. She is the only female who can do that.
Anne: Yes, let's wish her success.


embark on something or doing something, 是开始做某事的意思,相当于start和begin这两个词.

Dialogue Script 2 对话原文2

Tom: Who is your favorite female tennis player?
Mary: Hingis. Since the sport was opened to professionals in 1968. She is the world number one who became tennis' youngest Grand Slam singles champion.
Tom: But I heard she lost in the final of the French Open.
Mary: So I was a little bit disappointed. By the way, who is your favorite female tennis player?
Tom: It's Hournikova. She came from Russia.
Mary: But she won't win the French Open. She is 15th in the world.
Tom: Who cares? She is so beautiful and sexy. That's enough.


这里涉及到了几个著名的世界级网球比赛。Grand Slam 大满贯,也就是温布尔顿网球公开赛Wimbledon Open Tennis,该赛事于每年6月最后一周至7月初定期举行,参加资格是按前一年在各种重大比赛中获胜的得分累计而确定的。French Open法国网球公开赛。    

