
 This area is teeming with grasshoppers. 这附近有很多蚱蜢

If you find yourself in need of a quick energy boost,these can be a welcome sight. 如果你急需补充能量 它们就是首选
You can eat these just like this.Grab the head, twist it,and pull, and the guts come out like that with the head. 你可以这样吃 抓住头部  转一下 扯下来  内脏就和头一起出来了
And then take the legs off as well.And the rest of it's fine to eat. 再把腿去掉 剩下的就能吃了
To get a decent meal, you'd need to eat around 30 of these,but three is better than nothing. 如果想吃饱  至少要吃三十个 但吃三个总比不吃强
There's a lot of pine resin in here. 这里有很多松木树脂
Native americans would use this, mix it with charcoal 美国的土著人 将它与木炭混在一起
makes glue put it on wounds to seal them,even use it as an accelerant for the fire. 做成胶水  用来保护伤口 或者用作生火时助燃剂
Mix it in with their tinder,it will burn really, really hot. 将它与火绒混合后 火就会烧得很旺
That's gonna be useful for me. 估计会有用的
As I descend through the forest,I'm soon confronted with another challenge. 走出森林后 另一项挑战又出现在我面前
Just a massive lake.But also a massive obstacle.Okay, let's go this way. 一个超大的湖 也是一个超大的障碍 好吧  这边走
A vital key to survival is adapting things you find and using them to your advantage. 生存的关键就是将你找到的东西 经过改造后  拿来为你所用