英语听力精选进阶版 8884(在线收听

Hello, I'm Neil Nunes with the BBC news.Ukraine is holding ceremonies to mark the 30th anniversary of Chernobyl, the world's worst nuclear accident. Siren sounded at the exact moment of the first exposition in the plant's reactor in April 1986. From Ukraine, Tom Burridge. Candles were lit and prayers were set in the early hours of this morning. At the moment 30 years ago, there was an explosion inside reactor 4 at the Chernobyl Nuclear plant. Roughly 3 percent of the reactor's radioactive content escaped. Later Ukraine's president will attend another ceremony in Chernobyl to mark the disaster which contributed to the downfall of the Soviet Union and had a huge impact on public opinion and government policy towards nuclear energy.

你好,我是Neil Nunes,这里是 BBC新闻。乌克兰举行切尔诺贝利核事故30周年纪念活动,迄今为止世界上最严重的核泄露事故。当天清晨与1986年4月26日发生第一起爆炸相同时刻,该镇拉响了警报。Tom Burridge从乌克兰发回报道。祈祷者点燃蜡烛,开始默哀。三十年前的此刻,切尔诺贝利核电站4号机组发生爆炸。大约3%的反应堆强辐射物泄露。稍后,乌克兰总统将在切尔诺贝利出席另一个仪式,以纪念这场灾难导致苏联的解体和它对公众舆论与政府对核能政策所产生的巨大影响。

The influentially radical cleric Muqtada al-Sadr has called for a big protest today in Baghdad over the simmering political crisis that take place as parliament makes a fresh attempt to vote on a new cabinet after three weeks of stalemate. Ahmed Maher is in Baghdad. It is the worst political crisis since the downfall of former dictator Saddam Hussein in 2003. For the past three weeks, parliament has refused to approve a new line-up of non-aprtisan ministers proposed by the embattled prime minister Haider al-Abadi. More than 100 MPs have been staging a sit-in in parliament since mid-April to express their frustration at other representatives who blocked the vote, the even vote to sack the speaker of parliament.

经过三周的僵持,当议会提出新的尝试,投票选举新内阁时,针对不断延烧的政治危机,今天在巴格达,有影响力的激进派牧师穆克塔达·萨德尔呼吁进行大规模抗议。Ahmed Maher 在巴格达报道。这是自2003年前独裁者萨达姆?侯赛因垮台以来,发生的最严重的经济危机。在过去的三个星期,新一届议会拒绝批准由处于困境中的Haider al-Abadi总理所提出的由无党派部长们组成全新阵容的提议。自4月中旬以来,已有超过100名议员在议会静坐示威,以表达他们对组织投票的其他议员们的不满,他们甚至投票罢免议会的议长。

The Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau has expressed outrage of the killing of John Ridsdel, a Canadian hostage kidnapped by IS militants in the Philippine six months ago. Earlier in the day, the former mining executive was found in the street on a remote island. The IS militant group Abu Sayyaf had demanded a large ransom for his release. KA, a journalist who specializes in the threat posed by extremist group in the region of Mindanao, said the killing is part of a change of strategy for the militants. They've become really bolder. This is the second time they've killed a foreigner. That wasn't the case before. It wasn't like that in the past. So this one is like a message from them, saying we're going to do what we want to do because we know we can get the money and this is our way to fight against the military.

六个月前,遭菲律宾阿布沙耶夫恐怖组织绑架的加拿大公民约翰.里德斯戴尔(John Ridsdel)已经遭到斩首,加拿大总理贾斯汀.特鲁多(Justin Trudeau)对此大感震怒。在当天早些时候,在一座遥远岛屿的一条街道上,发现了前矿业行政高管的尸体。阿布沙耶夫恐怖组织索要大笔赎金以释放里德斯戴尔。在该地区棉兰老岛,专门负责极端组织威胁的一名记者,KA表示,杀戮是武装分子的改变策略的一部分。他们变得大胆妄为。这是他们第二次杀死一名外国人。之前不是这样的。过去并不是这样,因此这一次的事件向我们传递一个信息,他们要做他们想做的,因为他们知道这样可以得到钱,这就是他们对抗军队的方式。

A study in Britain suggests that flue vaccines are more effective when they're given in the morning than the afternoon. Researchers found that anti-body response was stronger in those vaccinated before 11:00 AM. They say that immunizing people in tune with the body's natural rhythm could also help improve vaccination strategies more generally and save lives. The study was based on people over the age of 65. 


World news from the BBC.


Thousands of demonstrators have been bursted into the state capital of North Carolina in the US to either support or oppose a new state law that imposes restrictions on transgender people. The law demands that people use toilets in public buildings and schools that match the sex on their birth certificate rather than their gender identity. Both president Obama and the Republican presidential contender Donald Trump say the law is discriminatory.


The Venezuelan Supreme Court has rejected a constitutional reform proposed by opposition politicians who wanted to reduce president Nicolás Maduro's term in office from 6 to 4 years. Leonardo Rocha has more details. Since the Venezuelan opposition regained control of parliament in December's election, it has made different attempts to oust president Maduro. It first tried to call a referendum to remove Mr Maduro from office but that was blocked by the electoral council. The opposition blames the leftwing policies of Mr Maduro and his predecessor Hugo Chávez for the shortage of food and daily items, high inflation and violence. But Mr Maduro says he would carry on in the next years with his program of socialist reforms.

委内瑞拉最高法院驳回反对党政客们提出的宪法改革,他们想要将马杜罗(Nicolas Maduro)总统任期从6年减至4年。请听Leonardo Rocha带来的详细报道。自从委内瑞拉反对党在12月份选举中重掌议会,便寻求多种手段试图推翻马杜罗(Maduro)。首先试图号召举行全民公投,罢免总统,但被选举委员会阻断。由于食物和日常用品的短缺、高通胀和暴力的存在,反对党指责马杜罗( Maduro )和前任总统Hugo Chávez的左翼政策,但马杜罗(Maduro )表示,在未来几年他将继续实施社会主义改革。

A French cardinal accused of covering up child sex abuse by priests has acknowledged that his diocese has made some mistakes and that victims has a right to truth and justice. Cardinal Philippe made his statement after a meeting in Lyon of more than 200 priests who had heard from a victim of Bernard Preynat, a priest who has admitted sexually abusing young boys over 25 years ago. 

一名法国枢机主教被指控包庇神父狎童行为,已得到证实,在他的教区犯下错误,并且受害者有权获得真理与公正。枢机主教 Philippe 在里昂参加会议后发表了声明。200多名牧师从Bernard Preynat的一个受害者那儿获得信息,Bernard Preynat,作为神父,在过去二十五年间,一直对男童们实施性侵。

Researchers have come up with a theory that bed bugs have favorite colors, red and black and dislike white and yellow. The insects were placed inside petri dishes and given a choice of different-colored bug size tents to hide them. The revelation could lead to better bed bug traps. That's the latest BBC world news.

