英语听力精选进阶版 8904(在线收听

Thousands of Turks singing and waving their national flag have turned out on the streets of main cities in support of the government. As night fell, the main square in Istanbul were packed with people, chanting that neither their land nor democracy could be taken away by soldiers. Kessel Unadi is in Istanbul.


Here is in the European side of Istanbul, we have gathering of more than thousand people, chanting in support of their president and chanting against the coup attempt. A similar gathering of thousands of people also has been reported on the Asian side, where a confident president appeared among the supporters, and give a speech sing that the military, the army, the majority of the soldiers are with the government and are with him, and in response to chance from the people who are asking for the executional of those involving the coup attempt, he said the parliament should decide about this.


Mr.Erdogan called on the United States to extradite the exile Turkish clerk Fethullah Gulen, who has been accuses of being behind the plot. Mr.Gulen who lives in Pennsylvania, denies any involvement and and denounced the coup attempt. The US secretary of state John Kerry, said the Turkish authorities must show proof of any wrongdoing by Mr.Gulen before extradition could be considered.


Close to 3000 soldiers including several Generals are now in custody, following the collapse of the coup attempt. Our Turkey correspondent Mark Lowen, says the events of the last 24 hours underline the deep divisions within Turkey.


The army was long the guarantor of Turkey secular constitution, with the Islamist president Recep Tayyip Erdogan has largely disavowed, he is adored by his supporters, more conservative highest Turks but loathed by his critics, who pointed his clam down on freedom expression and growing autocracy, constantly hitting out his opponents. The attempt coup has failed, and Mr.Ergogan has rallied his supporters. Turkey's political bruiser are will emerged strengthened by this as he painted as the survival of Turkish democracy.


The French government has called up 12,000 police reserves to help boost security after the truck attack in Nice in which more than 80 people were killed. The interior minister Bernard Kesnev also appeals to what he described as all willing French patriot now paves reservists. Lucy Williamson reports.


The exhaustion of France's security forces is a vivid sign of the nation's trauma, three major attack in 18 months and a state of emergency in place across the country, the government is facing mounting criticism for not keeping it citizens secure. They say we are at war when commentator wrote this week, but we leave as if we were at peace. The far right leader Marine Lepon has called on Mr.Kasernev to resign, saying that France had the means to defend itself but its leaders were too weak to do it.


You are listening to the latest world news from the BBC.


The panel investigating the crash of Egypt Air 804 said the word fire can be heard on the copied voice recorder, the plane was flying from Paris to Cairo when it crashed into the Mediterranean Sea on May killing all 66 people on board. The panel which include French and American experts, said they were still trying to find out how and why the fire started.


Britain's new prime minister Theresa May said Australia wants a free trade agreement with the United Kingdom as soon as possible. She said her Australian counterpart Maccum Turnbull, had expressed enthusiasm for such a deal during a phone conversation. Mrs.May has said her government is determined to make a success of leaving the European Union, and one way to do this is to negotiate separate free trade packs with major partners across the world.


The Venezuelan authorities have opened their border with Columbia for the second time this month to allow people to cross over to shop the basic food and medicines. Our America's editor Candice Pit reports.


Busses have been leaving all week for the Columbian border from cities across Venezuela. 35,000 people crossed over last weekend, officials say they expect even larger crowd this time, the crossing was closed last year, on the orders of president Nicolas Maduro to fight cross border crime. People are mainly after oil, flower and other ingredients to make the Venezuelan steep of flake bread and Aliepas. The country is in severe economic crisis, which many blame on government's mismanagement. Many supermarket shells are empty and there are day long queues outside.


The first images from what would be the world most powerful radio telescope have revealed 1300 new galaxies in a tiny corner of the universe 70 were previously known. South Africa's Miacat Telescope which is 600 kilometers from Capetown will eventually be fulltime and more powerful than it is now.

