向前一步:第185期 全能女人是个神话(18)(在线收听

 Facebook, on the other hand, had only 550 employees and was much more of a start-up. 另一方面,脸谱网当时只有550名员工,是个刚创立不久的公司。

Late night meetings and all-night hackathons were an accepted part of the culture. 晚间会议和通宵的“黑客长跑大赛”成了企业文化的一部分,并被员工广为接受。
I worried that taking a new job might undermine the balance I had worked hard to achieve. 我担心的是,接受一份新工作会破坏我好不容易实现的“生活—工作”平衡状态。
It helped that Dave was working as an entrepreneur-in-residence at a venture capital firm, so he had almost complete control of his schedule. 戴夫当时是一家风险投资公司的入驻企业家,所以他基本能够控制自己的日程安排,这真是帮了大忙。
He assured me that he would take on more at home to make this work for our family. 他安慰我说,他会在家多负担一些,为了这个家他愿意和我一起努力。
My first six months at Facebook were really hard. 刚到脸谱网的头6个月,我的工作相当辛苦,
I know I'm supposed to say "challenging," but "really hard" is more like it. 我知道我应该说“具有挑战性”,但“辛苦”更符合事实。
A lot of the company followed Mark's lead and worked night-owl engineering hours. 公司里很多人都会学扎克伯格像夜猫子一样工作。
I would schedule a meeting with someone for 9:00 a.m. and the person would not show up, assuming that I meant 9:00 p.m. 如果我安排和某人在早上9点开会,那个人很可能不会出现,因为他会以为我说的是晚上9点。
I needed to be around when others were and I worried that leaving too early would make me stand out like a sore — and old — thumb. 大家都在公司时,我也需要在公司,我担心下班太早会让我看起来过于特殊甚至是倚老卖老。
I missed dinner after dinner with my kids. 我一次又一次地错过和孩子们共进晚餐的机会。
Dave told me that he was home with them and they were fine. But I was not. 戴夫告诉我他在家陪孩子,他们都很好。但我的感觉并不好。
I thought about Larry Kanarek's speech back at McKinsey and realized that if I didn't take control of the situation, my new job would prove unsustainable. 我回忆起此前在麦肯锡听到拉里·卡纳里克所说的那些话,突然意识到如果我再不对这种状况加以控制,就无法把这份新工作坚持做下去。
I would resent not seeing my family and run the risk of becoming the employee who quit with unused vacation time. 我会因为见不到家人而懊悔,很有可能还没等到休假就决定辞职。
I started forcing myself to leave the office at five thirty. 我开始强迫自己在每天下午5∶30离开公司。