
 This breakfast in Morocco was bad.That's why it's in at number 14. 在摩洛哥的这一顿早餐  很烂 因此它获得了第14名

Couple of locusts.Beetles.A couple of moths, as well. 有几只蚱蜢 几个甲虫 还有几只蛾子
Even got a praying mantis. Squidge all that up...together. 居然还有只合掌螳螂  把它们揉一揉 挤成一团
Bear's always saying when he eats bugs that this is a good source of protein, 贝尔在吃虫子的时候总是说 这能补充蛋白质
and he's often saying that after he's eaten maybe an ant. 在吃蚂蚁什么的后  他总要讲一句
But this time, he did deliver his protein hit. 不过这一次  这发蛋白质补得有些过猛了
Well, for me, personally,it's just that crunching sound. 就我个人而言 那个吱嘎吱嘎的声音我就受不了
knowing you're going through a sort of abdomen of a beetle of some kind. 一想到要咬烂某种甲虫的肚子 然后汁水四溅
Oh, god.I've really learned to hate that taste. 天呐 我这回可是记住这个可恨的味道了
It's that cold, sandy, crunchy goo with a very,like, off-mustard taste. 又冷又磨牙还吱嘎作响的糊状物 吃起来就像没涂够芥末
Try always not to think of the taste.Want to just get it down. 还是不要去想象这种味道 直接咽下去比较好
When we're on the shoot and we kill any animal,I insist that we all share it. 在拍摄期间  要是我们杀了什么动物 我就会坚持要我们分着吃
You've got to keep chewing it to get the stuff down. Come on. 你得不停地嚼才能把这玩意咽下去
The crew don't like it,but I think it's only right.We kill it, we all eat it. 摄制组的人都不赞同   不过我觉得这样才对   我们杀了它  再一起吃了它
Truly terrible way to start a day.Ugh, yeah. But we shared some. 如此开始新的一天真悲惨 是啊  不过我们真的分着吃
Coming up,the most difficult helicopter insertion we've ever done.Can you guess which one it is? 下节看点 史上最高难度的直升机空中放人 你能猜出来是哪一次吗