美国小学英语教材4:第138课 每个国家都有自己的英雄(15)(在线收听

 Then he put his arms around the hero's neck and kissed him, for he loved him greatly. 然后他搂着贝奥武夫的脖子亲吻他,他非常喜爱贝奥武夫。

The Goths then marched down to their boat and sailed for home. 哥特人回到他们的船上,返航回家。
When they touched the shore of their own land, the king welcomed Beowulf joyously, saying, 他们到了回到了自己的国家,国王欢欢喜喜地迎接贝奥武夫,说道,
"Sit here beside me and tell me all that has happened since we parted." “坐到我跟前来,告诉我你走后发生的一切。”
So Beowulf told of the kindness King Hrothgar had shown him. 于是贝奥武夫把赫罗斯加国王对他的仁慈告诉了他。
He told of the beautiful hall which no one had dared to enter at night, of his fight with Grendel, and of the terrible battle under the water. 他讲述了和格伦德尔的战斗,还有他在水下的那场可怕的战斗。
Then Beowulf laid before the king the gifts which had been given him. 贝奥武夫把赫罗斯加国王的礼物放在他面前。
The eight beautiful horses with their harness of gold were led up to the door, and he gave these also to the king. 八匹套着金马具的漂亮的马驹被牵到门前,他把这些马匹交给了国王。
Of all the gifts which Beowulf had received from the Danes, he kept none for himself. 贝奥武夫从丹麦人那里收到的所有礼物,他一个也没有留给自己。
After this the people loved Beowulf more than ever. 从此以后,人们对贝奥武夫的喜爱更胜从前。
For though he was such a mighty warrior and so strong in battle, yet he loved to do good and to live in peace with all. 贝奥武夫虽然是英勇善战的勇士,却喜欢行善事,与众人和睦相处。
And though he had won great battles, yet he was never proud or boastful. 虽说他赢得了大战,但他从不骄傲或自夸。