英语听力精选进阶版 8976(在线收听

American and British scientists say they have been able to improve one of the most important biological processes on the planet, photosynthesis. Researchers say through genetic modification, they can increase the amount of energy from sunlight that plants can channel on to growth. They do this by increasing the speed at which plants switch off a heat loss mechanism that usually used to protect them from sun damage, but which is needed in cloudy weather.


The US director of national intelligence James Klapor's stepping down as Donald Trump takes over his president. During the election campaign Mr Klapor directly accused Russia of hacking in order to influence the election in favour of Donald Trump.

美国国家情报局总监James Klapor 在唐纳德.特朗普上任后辞职。在总统竞选时, Klapor先生为了影响唐纳德.特朗普的支持率直接指出俄罗斯方面存在黑客。

The American bank JP Morgan Chase has agreed to pay more than 264 million dollars to settle allegations that it hired the children of Chinese leaders to win business in the country.


Security sources in Iraq say a suicide car bomber attack on a wedding has killed 17 people and injured many more. One account said the celebration at west Baghdad has been attended by local officials who have opposed the Islamic State group.


Victims of human rights abuses carried out by the Tunisian state have been given the chance to tell their stories live on television. The broadcast carried out now is part of effort to bring about national reconciliation.


FIFA says its open disciplinary procedures against England and Scotland after players from both team wore arm bands with poppies to remember those who died in the war. FIFA insists such practice falls onto its ban on religious, political or personal statements.


